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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Apr 23, 2014 12:00:00 AM1 min read

23 April 2014

Wednesday of the Octave of Easter

The day after Easter, Jesus revealed himself little by little to his disciples while, distraught and hopeless, they were making their way to Emmaus. First he explained where veiled accounts of his suffering, death and resurrection could be found in the Old Testament. During this Easter week I should be attentive to how he manifests the Easter mystery in my own life, in my sufferings, disappointments and failures, and how they can be invitations to hope. How?

Struck by his words, the disciples persuaded him to stay on with them. Then they recognized him in the breaking of the bread. His word prepared them for the action he asked them to take: Announce by word and action the he is truly risen.

He lives in me through his word found in scripture and by my partaking and adoring him in the Eucharist. These prepare me, like they prepared the Emmaus disciples, for acting out his will – for action – that is, for sending me out to those he wants me to announce the Good News of his Resurrection, to those I meet at what I do each day, and for those for whom, each day, I pray.

  April 23rd, 2014