Ignatian Reflections

24 April 2014 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Apr 24, 2014 4:00:00 AM

24 April 2014

Thursday of the Octave of Easter

Despite the fact that the Resurrected Jesus often appeared to the disciples, they really did not believe. Surprising?  Not at all!

The Lord let the disciples touch him. He ate with them. When they recognized him they were filled with joy. But even then they did not believe, not really. Faith always demands a deepening. Easter joy has to take root in our heart, and that takes time, patience.

Our joy will never be more than superficial until we are convinced that we too are resurrected with Jesus Christ. When that comes we will see the small part in which we play, as St. Paul says, in making up for what is lacking in the Passion of Christ. Easter joy is the lens that enables us to see our daily crosses in the proper perspective. And that takes grace. That takes time.

  April 24th, 2014