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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Apr 25, 2014 12:00:00 AM1 min read

25 April 2014

Friday of the Octave of Easter

Getting a little tired of contemplating the many after-Easter appearance of Jesus?  Well, lets look at the responsorial psalm for today’s mass. “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.” Name another time in the year when we should give more thanks to the Lord. This is the week we celebrate his definitive victory over evil, sin and death.

“By the Lord has this been done.” The more we are filled with wonder and admiration for a person we love, the more we are able to give thanks for who he is. The Lord is always spinning situations around, causing surprise graces for ourselves and unexpected conversion of the hardest of hearts. Here is where we witness his work, the “what has been done.” Here is where we are filled with wonder and admiration. Here is where he opens to us his greatest joy.

“It is wonderful in our eyes.” Easter is the time of joyful light. Jesus has passed from death to life and we pass from the shadows into his astonishing light. This is the Easter victory in which we all partake, able to join in thanksgiving with the whole Church.

  April 25th, 2014