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Kevin Dyer S.J.Jun 2, 2014 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

2 June 2014

Monday of the Seventh Week of Easter

“Did you receive the Holy Spirit?”

Paul asks this question of believers in Corinth, to which they respond that they have never heard of a Holy Spirit. Whenever someone in Sacred Scripture says, “I do not know the man,” it is usually a bad sign. But no evil consequences befall those ignorant Corinthians in today’s reading. Paul simply tells them of Jesus’ promise of the Spirit and prays over them that they may receive the Spirit’s gifts.

Did you receive the Spirit? Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is giving you gifts which you are to use for the upbuilding of the Church? If this belief has grown weak in your heart, pray to the Holy Spirit this week and ask for a greater sensitivity to His promptings and an even greater generosity in responding.

  June 2nd, 2014