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Trevor Rainwater S.J.Jun 10, 2014 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

10 June 2014

Tuesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

The widow that takes care of Elijah presents for us a light that shines so that ​all may see the good deeds and glorify our heavenly Father (Matthew 5:16). Just when she thought all hope was lost as she was about to make this bread and die, Elijah provides a source of comfort, “do not be afraid” (I Kings 17:13). This call to not be afraid continues today. The Holy Father claimed Christians are luminous people who carry the light, “a light that comes from one that his not his own, but a gift of God, a gift of Jesus.” When a Christian loses this life, he or she becomes a Christian in name only. Yet, to lose this lamp is to fail to follow Christ’s words, “you are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14) and “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13). When we follow this light, we let others see how the Lord’s face is radiated off of us (Psalm 4). Try to be that light and salt for other people today!

  June 10th, 2014