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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Jun 27, 2014 12:00:00 AM1 min read

27 June 2014

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The heart sums up the person. It is the center and source of his personality, interior life, mind, will, memory, emotions.

So today I reflect that out of pure love the Father asked his Divine Son to take on a human heart in order to humanize me while at the same time divinizing me. That is the source of my Christian vocation. So I pray that my heart, that is, the sum total of who I am, will take on the image of his heart, the essence of who he is, and that I will reflect his heart to all I meet physically, in my prayer and throughout the world. That is the mission of the Mystical Body, the Church.

This feast reminds me, Lord Jesus, you took on a human heart, a feeling heart to unite all men and women to your Father, to save us from hell. That same heart, once pierced with a lance, is now present in the Eucharist. As I receive the Eucharist today, how can I not help but think of those who suffer the tragic consequences of hate in Syria, Nigeria, Iraq, and also in the cities of our own land?

  June 27th, 2014