Ignatian Reflections

11 August 2014 «

Written by Trevor Rainwater S.J. | Aug 11, 2014 4:00:00 AM

11 August 2014

Memorial of Saint Clare, Virgin

We celebrate the feast of Saint Clare (b. 1193), the foundress of the Poor Clares, and a contemporary of St. Francis of Assisi. She was so moved by the words of St. Francis and a desire to live as Jesus did, that she began a women’s religious order to be “brides of Jesus.” Stemming from the mendicant traditions, the Poor Clares stressed poverty and sustained themselves on alms. St. Clare died in Assisi in 1253. On today’s feast we pray for all the communities of Poor Clares around the world, who celebrate this memorial of their founder.

  August 11th, 2014