Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
On this holy day of obligation, we celebrate Pope Pius XII’s 1950 formal dogma regarding the Assumption of Mary. This document proclaimed infallibly, ex cathedra after consolation with thousands of bishops across the world states: “Mary, having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul to heavenly glory.” This feast has its origins in the sixth century; however it has also been called a variety of other names such as Commemoration, Dormition, Passing, or simply the Assumption. This doctrine can be found at
The interaction between Mary and Elizabeth on this feast day serves as the Gospel reading for today’s Mass during the day. In this reading, we find parts of the “Hail Mary” as well as the Canticle of Mary (Luke 1:46-56), which proclaim the holiness of Mary. Those who recite Evening Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours proclaim the prayer or canticle of Mary each day. May we rejoice today as the Mother of God was assumed into the glory of her Son and God.