Ignatian Reflections

26 September 2014 «

Written by John Roselle S.J. | Sep 26, 2014 4:00:00 AM

26 September 2014

Friday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

“Turn, turn, turn!” was a song made famous by The Byrds, yet based on the words of today’s reading from Ecclesiastes about how everything has its own season.  The author of Scripture writes that God “has made everything appropriate to its time” or proper season.  How would you characterize the current season of your life with God?  Wherever you are, you might consider the next line, that the Lord “has put the timeless in their hearts.”  So, in the midst of the turning of seasons, a stable center remains.  

God doesn’t change, and so our existence can be founded upon his eternal love.  This truth is what allowed St. Ignatius to have the kind of “indifference” he had to created realities, so that he was open to whatever God’s will was in his life.  He famously said that if the Pope ended the Society of Jesus (his beloved dream), he would need fifteen minutes of prayer to be okay with it.  Let us pray for the same sort of indifference in all seasons, trusting in the timeless perfection of God that overcomes all our concerns.
  September 26th, 2014