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Kevin Dyer S.J.Oct 5, 2014 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

5 October 2014

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

The world and the Church can be confusing places at times. Of the many paths open before us, there are even more voices arguing their option. (The old adage goes: four Jesuits, five opinions.) How do we make sense of the road before us?

The readings from today’s Mass make one point clear: the Lord expects us to bear fruit. Our communities are vineyards, and the Lord expects a return on His investment.
While we may not always be able to discern which options will bear true fruit, we can at least look back and judge which movements, ideas, and communities have failed to thrive. The past few decades have witnessed any number of dead ends in the realm of faith and society. Let us not, therefore, give into despair at the difficulty of the task, but rather keep our eyes open as sentinels looking for signs of life, no matter how counter cultural.
  October 5th, 2014