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Thomas Croteau S.J.Nov 6, 2014 12:00:00 AM1 min read

6 November 2014

Thursday of the Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time

“Let hearts rejoice who search for the Lord!” (Ps 105:3) When you look around you, there should be some people who stand out clearly as ones who search for the Lord. Perhaps it is someone at work who does what is right even if it means he will get flack for it. Perhaps it is our mother or grandmother who attends Mass and prays the Rosary for us each day. We see their devotion and often we see their deeply held peace, that peace and joy which are the fruit of seeking the Lord.

Today Paul gives us a privileged look at how his heart rejoices. He could have rejoiced because of his heritage, his righteousness in observing the law, his knowledge… but he counts all of that as loss. Instead, he rejoices “because of the supreme good of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (Phil 3:8) At times when one experiences difficulties such as illness or an argument with a friend, the temptation is to therefore despair. However, we can take Paul as our model here, and seek to appreciate profoundly the grace of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord. Then illness is put in a different perspective. Then arguments seem of less importance.

Finally, when we see Christ Jesus as our supreme good we too can rejoice. What is more, through our conversion we can be a cause of gladness and rejoicing to all of heaven. As our Lord says, “I tell you, there will rejoicing among the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” (Lk 15:10) When we turn to the Lord with all our heart, our heart is filled with joy, and so is His. Let us relish that grace this day.

  November 6th, 2014