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Trevor Rainwater S.J.Dec 20, 2014 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

20 December 2014

Saturday of the Third Week of Advent

Both Ahaz and Mary show a complete trust in God. Ahaz is quick to point out, despite being asked for a sign, he does not wish to tempt the Lord (Isaiah 7:12). While not asking for a sign, YHWH points to something that is only possible through the power of God, a virgin having no relations with a man, will conceive and bear a son. This sign is easily evident, when the messenger tells the Virgin Mary she will conceive and bear a son because she has found favor with God. Despite her initial hesitation (1:29, 34), her final response to be the “handmaid of the Lord,” (Luke 1:38) would forever change human history. As we enter into the Fourth Week of Advent, let us be willing to place complete trust in God, even when the future seems uncertain.

  December 20th, 2014