Ignatian Reflections

1 January 2015 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Jan 1, 2015 5:00:00 AM

1 January 2015

The Octave Day of Christmas; Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

I can never be like Mary:  witnessing the birth of the Messiah, hearing angels singing and shepherds weeping; serving Jesus in an intimate relationship for 30 years; watching him choose his apostles; standing beneath the cross; experiencing the Resurrection.

Nonsense! I can be like Mary. God does not call me to do the things Mary did, but to have Mary’s mind: to submit my will to his. That was Mary did. That was her vocation; that’s mine too. Mary’s life was one of continuous prayer. That does not mean she was reciting formal prayers all day. Like her son’s life hers was full of busy activities, pressing duties. Because she did them faithfully, joyfully, she was continuously united to God’ will for her. What else is that if not being always at prayer?

In the prayer over the gifts in today’s mass “we ask that our salvation will be brought to fulfillment.” Isn’t that an apt request at the beginning of the New Year? And doesn’t Mary show me that the way to fulfillment is by submitting my will each moment of the day, each day of the coming year, joyfully, to the will of God – just like she did.

  January 1st, 2015