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Thomas Croteau S.J.Jan 4, 2015 12:00:00 AM1 min read

4 January 2015

The Epiphany of the Lord

The Lord has revealed himself to the world, and awaits our response. Isaiah describes the world as covered in darkness and shadow, but Jerusalem as radiant with light. It is a light by which all the peoples of the earth shall walk. This is what we call the Epiphany, the invisible God who becomes visible for us in Christ Jesus.

This is the one whom the Magi saw in Bethlehem. We see the great joy of the three Kings as they follow the light which the Lord gave them as a guide. “They were overjoyed at seeing the star.” (Matt. 2:10) What gladness comes when the Lord shines His light upon us! We pray for such light, not simply to be “enlightened” but to enter into deeper communion with Jesus.

This is how Isaiah and the Psalmist describe the enlightening of the nations. It is not simply for their benefit, but an illumination which calls for a response. The kings from afar offer gifts to the Lord. The Magi rejoice to see the star, but more importantly, when they enter the house and see the Child and Mary, they fall before him in adoration and offer him gifts. A light far greater than any star had shown upon them: the light of the one who enlightens everyone who comes into this world; the light which is the life of every one of us.

This week let us pray for the grace to let the light of the Lord shine upon us, as we listen to His word and deepen in our faith, let us adore Him and offer gifts of service to Him.

  January 4th, 2015