Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
One of the central meditations of the Spiritual Exercises is the Call of Christ the King. St. Ignatius of Loyola invited us to imagine a call from a human king who has inspired many men and women to join him to conquer all the land. In the second part of the meditation, St. Ignatius invited us to imagine Christ the King calling us to join him in helping him to conquer all of his enemies and so to enter into the glory of His Father
Today we celebrate Palm Sunday, and, it is easy to imagine this day as the day when Jesus as the Prince of Peace or a suffering servant enter the Jerusalem with a donkey. But Jesus is also the God’s warrior who is marching to Jerusalem for his final battle. On this day, the Battle for Jerusalem just began. The Battle for Jerusalem is the battle between the temporal king and the Eternal King.
Can you see yourself with the sight of your imagination that you are standing between two armies: the armies of the Temporal King and the armies of the Eternal King. The former want to build the eternal city on earth with a sword in their hand, but the later want to build the city of eternal life with a palm frond in their hand. Can you imagine yourself waiving a palm frond in your hand and ready to join the Eternal King for his final battle.