Ignatian Reflections

2 April 2015 «

Written by Stefanus Hendrianto S.J. | Apr 2, 2015 4:00:00 AM

2 April 2015

Holy Thursday

St. Ignatius of Loyola wrote that the purpose of the Spiritual Exercises is to conquer oneself and regulate one’s life without determining oneself. Basically, the Spiritual Exercises is an instrument for us to conquer our self-will. Through his life experience, St. Ignatius learned one of the most important lesson that it is not what he wants to for God, but rather what God wants to do with his life.

In the Garden of Getsemani Jesus prayed to His Father, let thy will be done. Jesus was also struggling to conquer his self-will, but He let His Father’s will prevails. He lets His Father in charge with the game plan instead of His game plan. Jesus is already is already close to the climax of the battle of Jerusalem. In this battle, a group armies want to impose their own self will under the command of Lucifer. Jesus, however, lead a group of armies that want conquer their own self will and let His Father’s will be done.

C.S. Lewis wrote in the Great Divorce that at the end of the day there will be only two types of person. The first is the one who says to God “thy will be done.” The second is the one who God says to him, “thy will be done.” Let us pause for a moment and reflect.  Which group of person would you like to be?

  April 2nd, 2015