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Richard Nichols S.J.Aug 27, 2015 12:00:00 AM1 min read

27 August 2015

Memorial of Saint Monica

The bee has often been presented to the Christian as a sort of role model.  The bee works hard, knows its function, communicates well, defends the hive even to the point of self-sacrifice, and, perhaps most importantly, produces sweetness for itself and others.

This image fits well with Jesus’ teachings about service.  The prudent and faithful servant whom the master puts in charge of his household distributes the food to the other servants at the right time, so he is blessed by his master and put in charge of more.  The wicked servant abuses the other servants and eats and drinks with drunkards.  At last, his master punishes him severely, and assigns him a place with the hypocrites, where there is “wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

If we consider our own personal talents as belongings entrusted to us by God for the good of all, then we must be careful to employ our talents at the right time for the benefit of the right people.  If we do, then we will be blessed by God and given even more.  But if, like the wicked servant, we hoard our talents, keeping the good things for ourselves or, still worse, actively making things worse for others, then we ought to be afraid of the punishment promised, repent quickly, ask pardon, and mend our ways.

Today is the feast of St. Monica.  She saw her son, in his youth, imitating the wicked servant.  She was afraid for him, and beseeched the divine mercy on his behalf.  She used her talent for deprecatory prayer for the benefit of her son and, we may presume, others, and so she was rewarded, after death, by God himself.  May we also benefit from her prayers, and, one day, share her reward.  Amen.

  August 27th, 2015