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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Sep 9, 2015 12:00:00 AM1 min read

9 September 2015

Memorial of Saint Peter Claver, Priest

In the 1st reading of today’s Mass St. Paul announces that the Christian is already resurrected – potentially – with Christ, and that fact changes his perception of the world and all within it – none of it should be scorned; all of it should be loved.

How do we implement this attitude in our lives? How does this love lead to happiness? Jesus gives us the answer in today’s Gospel. We cannot be happy if we place all of our interest in things that are passing. Suffering can be an opening to genuine happiness. To be misunderstood and even scorned by others can be a source of bitterness, but it can also be the way of discovering more profound depths within ourselves, a deeper happiness than what is shallow-light. If we remember we are united to the Resurrected Christ, who overcame sin, suffering and death, there is no human power that can break our spirit.

No one put that lesson into better practice than St. Peter Claver, whose feast we celebrate today. If you do not know about him, read an account of his life in the light of today’s readings.

  September 9th, 2015