Ignatian Reflections

13 October 2015 «

Written by Michael Maher S.J. | Oct 13, 2015 4:00:00 AM

13 October 2015

Tuesday of the Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Hypocrisy is one of those activities that always gains the righteous rage of the general public. What activity enjoys more cathartic value than lashing out against someone who says one thing and does another? In today’s gospel, Jesus takes a swipe at one Pharisee who judges a situation contrary to the biblical admonition of charity and mercy. Of course it’s easy to point the finger at hypocrites, but the point of the gospel is to remind all of us that perhaps it would be in the best interest of our own spiritual growth if we spent more time on our own spiritual housekeeping than taking account of the faults of others.

Lest anyone be confused, judgments concerning good childrearing and guidance on the correct use and position of a pronoun in a freshmen essay are highly encouraged and are fully in line with biblical teaching.

  October 13th, 2015