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Michael Maher S.J.Oct 15, 2015 12:00:00 AM1 min read

15 October 2015

Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church

Today we celebrate the feast of St. Teresa of Avila, the great reformer of Carmelite life and spiritual author. St. Teresa lived in 16th century Spain, a time of great spiritual upheaval and for her own family one filled with challenges. Her paternal grandfather converted from Judaism and, as frequently was the case, suspicion lay on families of new converts. Challenge followed her throughout her life with constant criticism and suspicion of her spiritual gifts as well those who fought against her reforms of lax convents. Yet, above all these and other challenges she remained firmly rooted in prayer and it was in this serene confidence that she proceeded to the last day of her life when her last words were:”My Lord, it is time to move on. Well then, may your will be done. O my Lord and my Spouse, the hour that I have longed for has come. It is time to meet one another.” 

This confidence came from a life of prayer, and the following recommendation of St. Teresa may give us the confidence we need to work through our own daily challenges.

Let nothing disturb you.

Let nothing make you afraid.
All things are passing.
God alone never changes.
Patience gains all things.
If you have God you will want for nothing.
God alone suffices.

  October 15th, 2015