Ignatian Reflections

11 November 2015 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Nov 11, 2015 5:00:00 AM

11 November 2015

Memorial of Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop

The Gospel today gives me a wonderful example of the double nature of prayer. The lepers approach Jesus because he is their only hope. Their request is simple, “Jesus, Master, pity.” This is a perfect example of prayer of request. He answers their request, but not immediately. He respects the law that lepers have to be declared cured by the priests.

One only returned to thank him, the Samaritan. Such is the prayer of thanksgiving. The Lord expressed some surprise that the others forgot, but this did not deter him from giving his full attention to the Samaritan.

In the 1st reading we see a distinction between the “mighty” and the “lowly”. God demands a strict account from the mighty, but he shows mercy to the lowly. Is it possible that only the lowly have the ability to appreciate the gifts the Lord has given them and are therefore able to give him thanks?

It is a question I can ponder in my prayer today as I ask the Lord for what I need, along with the gift to be lowly like the Samaritan so that I can also thank him for all he has done for me.

  November 11th, 2015