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Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.Dec 6, 2015 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

6 December 2015

Second Sunday of Advent

In the letter to Philippians, Saint Paul reminds all Christians that there is one hero to look to and idealize. St. Paul prays that our love may increase ever more in knowledge and every kind of perception. This is a prayer that we may learn to love.  With His love, Jesus gives us a vision of who we should become.  His love also reminds us that Jesus is a hero to whom we should turn in the midst of all trials and troubles.

In the Gospel reading, Saint Luke provides the list of the VIPs of the day: Tiberius; Pontius Pilate; Herod Antipas; Philip; Lysanias; Annas and Caiaphas. But the real hero is John the Baptist who lives in the wilderness.  John the Baptist is the hero who prepares the way of the coming of Jesus.  John the Baptist, however, does not consider himself a hero.  Rather, he finds great fascination in Jesus Christ as his hero.

As we prepare for the coming of Christ, do we see Jesus above all others?  How might I be called to idealize Jesus as my hero?

  December 6th, 2015