Memorial if Saint John of the Cross, Priest
Today the Church recalls and celebrates the life and writings of one of the great spiritual writers of the faith, John of the Cross (1542-1591). Many writers on spiritual theology mark the differences between the structured and active methods of attaining union with God, created by Ignatius, as compared to the “emptying “ of one’s senses articulated by John of the Cross. Of the many things we may say of John’s writings, we must first and foremost identify his desire to grow deeper in the love of God. His way of attaining this was the realization that whatever sense or idea we have of Love this idea fails in light of that great love God has for us. Countless ascetical treatises have delved into the methods and advices of John of the Cross. We may draw a safe summary of his works by noting his desire that all men and women move in union and in love with God’s love. In this movement, Ignatius and all the other spiritual writers are in agreement.