Ignatian Reflections

8 January 2016 «

Written by Raymond Gawronski S.J. | Jan 8, 2016 5:00:00 AM

8 January 2016

Friday after Epiphany

Pope Benedict in his writings has sometimes pondered why people seem to have lost their interest in “eternal life.” He suggested that that was because we tend to think of “eternal life” as just more of the same thing we call “life.” That is, well, driving on the freeway (and sitting in traffic there). Going to the office, and dealing with the politics there. Watching TV. Going through the TSA at the airport. Well, daffodils as well sometimes – but much of life is tedious if not maddening.

And so, the prospect of an eternity of pushing a cart through a supermarket is less than appealing, and so many seem to say: “who would want to live eternally?” But “eternal life” is something quite different, for “eternal life” is an endlessly bubbling fountain of delight. “Eternal life” has a name: that is Jesus who came to reveal to us that that love for which we struggle on freeways and offices and supermarkets is in fact pure and purely available to us in His Person. In this world, at this time, in the sacraments, in faith, and in the service of those He places into our lives.

Beyond this world of trial, this broken and fallen world, following the thin thread of pure love – of Jesus – an entirely new universe opens up of a perfect, pure love that knows neither beginning nor end.  It is into that love of God we are invited to enter, it is through the wounds of the Risen Christ that the light of God pours out into the cosmic darkness. World – that world – without end.  Amen.

  January 8th, 2016