Ignatian Reflections

16 January 2016 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Jan 16, 2016 5:00:00 AM

16 January 2016

Saturday of the First Week in Ordinary Time

After his baptism and at the beginning of his public ministry Jesus’ popularity exploded. Crowds followed him to hear his preaching and receive his healing. Levy couldn’t resist his invitation to become a close follower.  What power there was in his personality! No. What power there is in his personality!

Jesus continues to call me today to follow him in my own special way. Nothing can prevent that meeting, not even my sins for he is the physician who cures sin and the illnesses that come from sinning. So, if I sincerely recognize I am a sinner, like Levy I can respond to Jesus invitation to be with him.

What he prescribes for my cure is for me to recognize him as he truly is: the Lord who continues to welcomes sinners with infinite mercy. Conclusion: I should pray each day to see others with the same vision as he sees them. And this eye-drop prescription can be obtained as often as needed at the counter of the confessional and renewed by participating often at the Eucharist.

  January 16th, 2016