Ignatian Reflections

21 March 2016 «

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Mar 21, 2016 4:00:00 AM

21 March 2016

Monday of Holy Week

When Mary of Bethany took the precious nard ointment and poured it on Jesus’ feet, the beautiful aroma filled the whole house. (Jn 12:3) The fragrance was there for all to take it in, and to delight in it. Yet, Judas does not have room for such delight. He is numb to the beauty of this anointing. Filled with greed, he can only complain when this beautiful service is rendered to our Lord. (Jn 12:5-6) Judas saw the price of what was offered to Jesus and simply wanted to take it.

Mary took what was costly and poured it out upon Jesus. Knowing how to let go of what she might otherwise hold tight, her heart was open to receive the graces that would come after Jesus’ burial. Let us pray for that spirit of generosity which Mary’s offering showed. Let us ask for the grace of emptying ourselves before Him, not counting the cost, but simply enjoying the gaze of Jesus, to whom we make our offering.

  March 21st, 2016