Ignatian Reflections

22 March 2016 «

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Mar 22, 2016 4:00:00 AM

22 March 2016

Tuesday of Holy Week

“Where I am going you are not able to come, I say to you now.” (Jn 13:33) Jesus knows his disciples very well. He knows our capacities, and he acknowledges what we can and cannot do. He repeats for the disciples what he had said previously in his ministry.  At that moment, like in the past, the disciples were not ready to follow Jesus to the end.

Nevertheless, Peter shows at least the desire to follow Jesus to the end, and he asks, “Master, where are you going?” (Jn 13:36) Peter seems to forget that Jesus has just said that he cannot go there. He is driven by the desire to be always with Jesus, and this desire seems to be the basis for something to come. So Jesus answers him, “Where I am going you cannot follow me now, although you will follow me later.” (Jn 13:36) And later, Peter did follow Christ, even to the point of laying down his life in witness to the Gospel.

Today let us beg the Lord for the desires of Peter, for the desires of one who is a learner in the way of love. Perhaps our hearts are small and weak now (perhaps our Lenten sacrifices have served simply to show us how much we need to grow), but let us at least ask to see where our Master leads. Then, when by God’s grace we have been strengthened, we will know the way to go.

  March 22nd, 2016