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David Paternostro S.J.Apr 7, 2016 12:00:00 AM1 min read

7 April 2016

Thursday of the Second Week of Easter

      God is sending the Holy Spirit in a new way. When Moses led the Israelites, God’s Spirit rested on him in a special way, and then, later on, it rested on the 70 who were chosen to help Moses govern. The Prophets had the Spirit, so that when Elijah was about to die and asked his successor Elisha what he wanted, Elisha said that he only wanted a share in the same Spirit which had been given to Elijah. Now, John tells us today that God does not “ration His gift of the Spirit.” We are all able to have a share in the Spirit, and prophesy like John the Baptist or any of the great prophets.
      It is a wonderful thing to see people in whom the Holy Spirit is clearly at work. They have a clear notion of what they need to do, newfound priorities in life, a sense of calm and resolve about things in life. They aren’t always balls of superficial joy and sunshine, but they have received something that lets them go through whatever is next. It is a great gift that God gives us so that we can go share it–and Him–with others. God has trusted us with the Holy Spirit–with Himself–and, as today’s gospel warns us, God will hold us accountable for what we do with this trust.

  April 7th, 2016