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Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.Apr 16, 2016 12:00:00 AM1 min read

16 April 2016

Saturday of the Third Week of Easter

Google has invested in taxi firms, smart thermostats, and even artificial intelligence.  Next, Google has its sights set on immortality. Not long ago, Google announced that the company has devoted a chunk of its vast financial, technological, and creative resources to solving the daunting problem of mortality.  With some medical breakthroughs and a rise of biomechanics, Google thinks it’s possible for a person to live to 500 years old.

In the Gospel reading, we hear that Jesus upsets some of his disciples and they walk away. When Jesus turns to His core disciples and asks if they also want to leave, Peter responds with: “To whom can we go?” Jesus replied, “You have the words of eternal life.”  Perhaps this is the message that Google executives and the secular society missed hearing.  Jesus and his disciples removed a great deal of our fear of death long before Google began its venture to solve the problem of mortality. If Jesus were to have a meeting with the Google executives, perhaps He would ask them a question, “are you sure that you will find your happiness by living for 500 years?” Let us pause for a moment and discuss your dying with Jesus.  Do you have a fear of death and desire to use all of the medical resources and Google’s breakthrough?  Could you pray and ask for a peaceful death with Jesus when the time comes?

  April 16th, 2016