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Cornelius Buckley S.J.May 20, 2016 12:00:00 AM1 min read

20 May 2016

Friday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Who can be ignorant of the importance of marriage today? Let’s prayerfully consider how Jesus answers the Pharisees’ questions about marriage in today’s Gospel.

Surprisingly, he begins by speaking of the beginning of the world when “God made them male and female.” This is when God created marriage. But because of sin the world did not turn out to be what he had wanted it to be. So, he then sent his Son to restore creation to its intended state and to redeem mankind. Result: Jesus reinstated the Father’s original plan, part of which was that man and woman, united in marriage before God, create an indissoluble union.

For Jesus marriage has much in common with Redemption. Love uniting man and woman is love that saves. Each day the married couple face difficulties and God brings about the victory. True love is always growing, maturing.

Today I shall pray for those discerning marriage, for married couples and especially for those who, before a hostile world, defend the sanctity and indissolubility of the marriage bond between one man and one woman.

  May 20th, 2016