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Michael Maher S.J.Aug 25, 2016 12:00:00 AM< 1 min read

25 August 2016

Thursday of the Twenty-First Week in Ordinary Time

In today’s epistle we here Paul’s reminder that we are called to holiness. This call was given by God soon after our first parents’ disobedience, and it was culminated in the life of Christ. It is not only an historic event, but one that continues today with the continuous admonition of Christ, through his church. We may look at the lives of the saints or image of saints and presume that sanctity is out of reach. On the contrary, sanctity is not an impossible task and its achievement is more often won by daily simply tasks than of one single act of heroism. One of the best ways to be holy is to persevere in the attitudes and relations expressed in the prayer composed by Francis of Assisi: Lord make me an instrument of your peace…..

We are all familiar with this prayer. Perhaps today we can be reminded that it is in simple individual relationships that we bring peace and calm and by doing so move ourselves and others towards holiness.

  August 25th, 2016