“Who do you say that I am?” Before I attempt to answer that question for myself, I should imagine how others I know would answer it: those who seek without finding; those who are near believing; those who have a false or incomplete notion of him who asks, and those who do not care to hear the answer. And I will pray for them all.
Then I will recall that before he asked his question, Jesus was praying with his disciples. So, to understand the question he puts to me to me personally, I also must pray with him to our Heavenly Father. Then, like Peter, I can give my personal answer. Jesus forbad his disciples from announcing his identity. How do I interpret that?
He was not able to establish his kingdom until he embraced his cross, died and rose from the dead. To accept Jesus as my savior I must accept to live as he did becoming a part in the lives of others. I shall pray today for a deeper appreciation of the cross as the way to victory for myself and for those for whom I pray with him, especially at Mass.