Memorial of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church
“I had heard of you by word of mouth, but now my eye has seen you.” (Jb 42:5)
“Do not rejoice because the demons are subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Lk 10:20)
What should we see? What do we not need to see?
Apparently, one does not need to see dominance over the demons. One does not need to see great power within oneself. You don’t need to see great signs. In fact, these sights might distract you from what is more important…
Therese, like a good Carmelite gave up looking for distractions. She even gave up seeking good feelings from prayer. She was content with spiritual dryness, but rejoiced because she was precious to Jesus, and He was precious to her. “…your names are written in heaven.”
Blessed are the ones who see this. The ears that actually attentively hear the Word of God. See how much God cares for you. Realize that He loves you. See His love! Then show it to others, that they too may see, and give glory to your Father in heaven.