30 November 2016
Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle
Our Lord approached Peter and Andrew while they were in the middle of fishing, and told them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (
Mt 4:19) There is a certain divine impatience that characterizes Jesus’ coming and the call of the apostles. He does not wait until they are done working, until they have come into the shore. Rather, while they are in the thick of their labors, he calls them. St. Andrew was ready, or at least responsive. There is no record of Andrew asking what it would mean to be a fisher of men, nor a long time to consider whether or not he ought to seek to follow Jesus. Rather, the Gospel reads, “At once they left their nets and followed him.” (
Mt 4:20)
St. Andrew stands as an example to us. The first apostles understood the urgency of Christ. He was not slow in calling them, and they knew they ought to be quick in responding. As we consider our desire for the coming of the Lord, let us see if our response time is like that of St. Andrew. Over the past couple days, having considered the good thoughts, words and deeds which should characterize a Christian waiting for Christ, am I dragging my feet? Has Christ called me to change or grow at a moment that I consider inopportune? The apostles could have told Jesus to wait until they were done fishing that day, and that they could discuss his proposal after work was over. Let us pray for hearts that are quick to respond to Jesus’ invitations, then like St. Andrew, we shall be ready for His coming.
By Thomas Croteau S.J.
November 30th, 2016