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Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.Dec 22, 2016 12:00:00 AM1 min read

22 December 2016

Thursday of the Fourth Week in Advent

In St. Ambrose’s commentaries on the Magnificat says: “In the heart of each one may Mary praise the Lord, in each may the spirit of Mary rejoice in the Lord; if, according to the flesh, Christ has only one mother, according to faith all souls engender Christ; each one, in fact, receives in himself the Word of God … Mary’s soul magnifies the Lord and her spirit rejoices in God as, consecrated with her soul and spirit to the Father and to the Son, she adores with devout affection only one God, from whom everything proceeds, and only one Lord, in virtue of whom all things exist” (“Esposizione del Vangelo Secondo Luca,” 2,26-27: Saemo, XI, Milan-Rome, 1978, p. 169).

Mary’s Magnificat is indeed a hymn about the incarnation. Without question, it is the most magnificent psalm of worship in the New Testament. It is equal to any Old Testament psalm and it is filled with hope. So let us try to imagine the scene when Mary proclaims the Magnificat. First, what do you see?  Where does this take place?  What’s the place like?  Is it indoors or outdoors?  What time of day is it?  What is Mary wearing?  What does she look like?  What else can you see? Now listen to Mary’s proclamation.  Hear the outpouring of praise from Mary’s mouth. Can you imagine Mary’s joy?  And can you share Mary’s joy?   Can you recount the favors God has granted you and give thanks for them?

  December 22nd, 2016