Ignatian Reflections

29 March 2017 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Mar 29, 2017 4:00:00 AM

29 March 2017

Wednesday of the Fourth Week of Lent

The first reading of today’s mass, coupled with the responsorial psalm call for a long prayerful consideration. How many people in the world today beg for that “time of favor” when the Lord will rescue them! Do I ever yearn for that time for myself?

Accompanied with all of those who suffer, I shall spend extra time today joining my prayer with theirs, contemplating the dialogue between distressful Zion and the Lord, focusing on the last few lines: “Can a mother forget her infant…”

How did Jesus answer that question? How did he demonstrate the assertions in the responsorial psalm? To learn the answer I shall go to the Gospel of John and read all of chapter 10. And if possible I shall do this before the Eucharist. It is here where the dialogue becomes more meaningful, more personal. Lord, increase my devotion to the Eucharist each day.

  March 29th, 2017