Ignatian Reflections

23 April 2017 «

Written by Stefanus Hendrianto S.J. | Apr 23, 2017 4:00:00 AM

23 April 2017

Second Sunday of Easter

In St. Thomas Aquinas’s commentaries on the Gospel of John, he posits that the story of the doubting Thomas in today Gospel is the strongest signs of God’s profound love. God loves humanity so much that sometimes he allows tribulations to afflict us so that from these some good can benefit humanity. God sometimes allows the apostles, holy martyrs, and saints to be afflicted, and even fall into sin to teach us some lessons. Aquinas argues that God allows some saints and holy men to sin so that we can be more careful and humble. “It is so that one who thinks he is standing firm will take care not to fall, and so that one who has fallen will make an effort to rise,” said Aquinas. In the end, the Apostle Thomas’ disbelief brings more benefit to our faith than the faith of the disciples who did believe.

In today Gospel, we can see that Thomas was difficult to convince because he refused to believe. Moreover, he set a high standard of proof, not just from one but two pieces of evidence: seeing- in his hands the print of the nails ‑ and touch ‑ and place my hand on his side. When Jesus appeared in front of Thomas, he immediately told him “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it on my side.”

Aquinas argues that a finger signifies knowledge, and a hand signifies our works. Thus when Thomas is told to put his finger and hand into the wounds of Christ, we are being told to use our knowledge and works for the service of Christ.

Speak to Jesus now about your doubt, shortcomings or failure. Ask Jesus directly how those doubts or failures can be transformed into something beneficial for you or others. Ask Jesus in what way you can use your knowledge and works to serve him. Whatever it is you want to say to Jesus, please say it to him.

  April 23rd, 2017