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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Jun 3, 2017 12:00:00 AM1 min read

3 June 2017

Memorial of Saint Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs

The Gospel in today’s Mass is a continuation of the dialogue between Peter and Jesus in yesterday’s Mass. Here we consider Jesus’ response to Peter’s answer. It is more about the personal, special vocation given to each person.

Jesus asks each one the question he asked Peter: “Do you love me?” Then: “You follow men.” To accept this invitation is to acknowledge that each one follows the Lord in a different way. The African saints whose feast we celebrate today did so in ways different from how we are called. It is senseless to compare one vacation with another. Each one enters his own path in following where Christ calls.

Vocations are complementary within the Body of Christ.  Diversity bespeaks the beauty, the richness and the building up of the Church.

Mary is the model for accepting vocations. She probably thought she’d be a housewife; the Lord wanted her to be the Mother of Christ. She did his will. “You follow me.” That was her calling. She did. That’s why she is holy.

Today is the First Saturday of month. Pray to Mary, Our Lady of Fatima, to do what God wants of each person, and that each person accept his will in doing it, as did Mary.

  June 3rd, 2017