Ignatian Reflections

1 July 2017 «

Written by Stefanus Hendrianto S.J. | Jul 1, 2017 4:00:00 AM

1 July 2017

Saturday of the Twelfth Week in Ordinary Time

“Still Life With Grape Juice And Sandwiches (Xenia)” is David Ligare’s painting. Ligare used to volunteer in a homeless shelter where he served the grape juice and sandwiches depicted in the paintings.  The word “Xenia” in the painting’s title refers to the ancient Greek notion of hospitality, which includes the practice providing guests and strangers with baskets full of food. According to Ligare, he produces the paintings to inspire others to serve those strangers among us who are in need.

There will always be grace poured upon us whenever we show our hospitality, especially to strangers. In the first reading today, Abraham opens his tent to three strangers. Sarah, in her old age and wrinkled body, tries to knead dough and make rolls for these guests. Abraham runs with his tired feet to get some curds and milk. Abraham and Sarah try to be hospitable to the strangers.  Immediately, they receive grace from the strangers who inform them that in one year’s time, Sarah will have a son.

Let yourself be drawn into exercising hospitality, especially to strangers. Please wait and see what will happen. You might be surprised to find an abundance of grace waiting for you.

  July 1st, 2017