Ignatian Reflections

25 September 2017 «

Written by Daniel Kennedy S.J. | Sep 25, 2017 4:00:00 AM

25 September 2017

Monday of the Twenty-fifth Week in Ordinary Time

What do you put on your lampstands?

Social media provides us many platforms with which we can share our thoughts, feelings, and experiences. We publish ourselves, or at least a version of ourselves we want the world to see.  When we peruse Facebook or Twitter, we look to see into the lives of others.  Social media is neither good or bad because it is only a tool, which is good or bad based on the way in which it is used.  The online platforms we use is the modern-day lampstand which is referenced in our Gospel reading today.  (If you do not use social media, think about the ways you share is going on in your life.)

Take a second to think about what “lights” you have shared on social media.  The “lights” might be specifically moments in your faith life or request for prayers.  A light might be a social justice cause that lacks appropriate action and willingness within our communities to solve.  A light might be thoughtfully engaging the comments of another with mercy and truth.

With a great sharing tool like social media, we are able to recognize the ways we have used it well and not.  Let us pray that we bring the light of our Christian lives to the lampstands in our world.

Go back through your social media posts or feeds through the day.  Where did you feel you brought a light from your life?  Where did you participate in the darkness or negative culture present in social media?

  September 25th, 2017