16 December 2017
Saturday of the Second week of Advent
John was a new Elijah, destined to turn the hearts of fathers toward their sons, and to re-establish the tribes of Jacob (Sir 48:10), yet he often went unrecognized. (
Mt 17:12) The business of heralding is not done so that others will pat you on the back. Neither John who announced the coming of the King, nor Christ who is the King were always well received. Yet, their message indeed worked reconciliation. Even if they were not acknowledged by all, there were those who did receive them, and who could bear the fruit of grace in their lives because they believed what was preached to them. Let us continually seek to let Advent transform us into heralds of the Good News that Christ comes anew. Then we too will know what it means to enjoy the blessedness of falling asleep in the friendship of heralds such as Elijah and John. (Sir 48:11)
By Thomas Croteau S.J.
December 16th, 2017