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Stefanus Hendrianto S.J.Jan 1, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

1 January 2018

The Octave Day of Christmas
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God

Today is the Feast of Mary, the Mother of God. A few years ago, Amy Chua published her parenting memoir Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, in which she wrote about her strict parenting style with her daughters and she infamously called herself a tiger mom. When I read the book, it reminded me of my childhood because I was also a “tiger cub.” Considering that my mother was also a “tiger mom,” I always want to find a better mother figure. In my spiritual journey, I easily turn toward the Holy Mary Mother of God. In Mary, I found a better mother figure than my mom. So in my prayer life, I have a special devotion to the Blessed Mother, as she is a gentle, caring, and loving mother.

On this day, let us remember our own mother and recall our relationship with her. If you have a rocky a relationship with your mother, like me, let us pray to Blessed Mother Mary to re-enter and rebuild our relationship with our mother. If you have a warm and terrific relationship with your mom, please continue to pray for her well-being. Above all, let’s pray for many young women to become good Christian mothers, like the Blessed Mother. Let us pray that Christian mothers or future mothers will understand that the outcome they are looking for is that their children know and love the Lord. That does not mean that children don’t appreciate skills in math or music – these skills are critical.  Christ must still be central.  Let us pray for parents so that children may come to know Christ.

  January 1st, 2018