Ignatian Reflections

13 March 2018 «

Written by Michael Maher S.J. | Mar 13, 2018 4:00:00 AM

13 March 2018

Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Today’s reading from the Old Testament recalls the geography of the middle east, a varied climate of fertile river valleys and parched desert regions. Here, the reading describes how the river that flows through the land and with that good water brings with it an abundance of fruit. The symbol of a saving water represents Christ but it also must represent those who call themselves by his name. As Christians we need to bring life into our families and our society. Christianity, from its very beginnings was a religion that stood out as a religious practice that established a change in individuals that in turn caused a change in society. Ignatius identified the purpose of the Society of Jesus as a religious institute established for the perfection of its own members to promote the perfection of others. In this desire for his spiritual sons he mirrored the mission of every Christian who works to move him or herself towards God so as assist others to do the same. Lent recalls the need for our own spiritual improvement but also recalls the great dignity of our Christian lives of bringing as many as we can to the heart of Christ.

  March 13th, 2018