Ignatian Reflections

30 March 2018 «

Written by Richard Nichols S.J. | Mar 30, 2018 4:00:00 AM

30 March 2018

Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion

Today is Good Friday, the day we celebrate the crucifixion of our Lord.  We call this Friday “good,” even though we are celebrating the execution of an innocent man, Jesus of Nazareth.  This execution was really a sacrifice by which the Son of God reconciled the world to his Father.  That is why this Friday is a good one.

On the cross, Jesus fulfilled Isaiah’s prophecy.  “See, my servant shall prosper, he shall be raised high and greatly exalted” (Is 52:13).  God’s servant was really prospering on the cross as he was dying, because it was there that he was achieving his purpose, bringing great goodness into the world and redeeming the fallen human race.  It was on the cross that Jesus was “raised high and greatly exalted,” both literally and figuratively.

Today is a day to take some vacation from our other labors and to raise high the cross of Jesus in our minds, to make the crucifixion a subject for our reflection, conversation and prayer.  Here is a question for you to ponder in prayer: why the cross?  Many theologians have said that Jesus could have saved us even without the suffering and shame of the cross, so why the cross?  Put yourself there atop the hill of Calvary and ask for light to understand what is happening and why, so that you can unite yourself more closely to Jesus and to his Blessed Mother.

  March 30th, 2018