Ignatian Reflections

6 April 2018 «

Written by Ulises Covarrubias S.J. | Apr 6, 2018 4:00:00 AM

6 April 2018

Friday in the Octave of Easter

There’s something strange about today’s Gospel passage. It seems very familiar. Peter and the other apostles decide to go fishing throughout the night, and they catch nothing. Jesus asks them to cast their nets again and they catch a stunning, bountiful load of fish. This story, from the Gospel of John, reminds us of the story we find in the Gospel of Luke during the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry, when he calls Peter for the first time and tells him that from now on, he will be a fisher of men.

In John’s post-Resurrection account, we find Peter and the other apostles going back to their old ways. They seem to have ignored the call to leave their nets behind and be fishers of men. And they fail terribly in their endeavor. That dawn they have yet another miraculous catch, but this time it is prompted by Christ risen and glorified. Not only does he provide a bountiful catch, he also gives them a warm meal after a long night of work.

In our own lives, after having encountered Christ, we may be tempted at times to go back to our old ways, to act as if the Resurrection never happened. When we lose sight of Christ, our endeavors quickly fail. But Christ is always there waiting for us, offering us his love, mercy, and companionship.

  April 6th, 2018