Ignatian Reflections

8 April 2018 «

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Apr 8, 2018 4:00:00 AM

8 April 2018

Second Sunday of Easter / Sunday of Divine Mercy

The Resurrected Christ appeared to his disciples on the very evening of Easter Sunday. He brought them peace and gave them the power to forgive sins. Each time I encounter Christ, he says to me: “Peace”.

What prevents me from integrating this peace within me is not fear from without or from threatening arguments. It is rather from the interior disequilibrium that comes from my personal sin. Each time Christ pardons me from sin he say: “Go in peace.”

Thomas wanted proof that Jesus had truly risen. He preferred to “sweat it out” for a whole week. Jesus let him do so. Jesus looks for progress not perfection in matters regarding faith. Meanwhile, if I am sincere he gives me encouragement of his presence. “Take time your faith will grow.”

Finally, to believe means not only having faith in the risen Christ. It also means having faith in the testimony of those who are the direct witnesses of the Resurrection, whose activity is described in the 1st reading today and during the rest of the week.

  April 8th, 2018