Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Few things are sadder than going about life with a closed-off heart, and yet so often, we do just that. We are both, knowingly or not, victims and perpetrators of sin and hurt in this broken world. And in order to avoid being hurt, we can close our hearts to others, learning to rely solely on ourselves.
Today’s solemnity is a reminder of God’s great love and mercy. Christ, our Savior came to this world and loved us with the depths of his human heart. His heart felt not only joy and excitement, but also, sadness and pain. Despite the hurt and pain he experienced, his heart remained open to loving us till the very end. His heart was literally pierced open by the lance, and from it flowed the waters of our salvation. After the Resurrection, Christ kept this wound as a testament to his great love for us and to his open heart from which this love flows.
May we learn to take on his yoke, opening our hearts to him, and in him, find the rest and refreshment needed to live life boldly with an open, loving heart for others. O Jesus meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto thine.