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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Jun 12, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

12 June 2018

Tuesday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

The Gospel in today’s Mass tells me that Jesus expects me to put some flavor into the lives of those I meet each day, to make them blessed; to make them joyful. It is the result of my living the Gospel message, the Beatitudes. My dealings with others flow out from who I am. 

Example: If she understood French, Elijah would have said “Joie de vivre” to the widow of Zarephath as he slipped a little salt into her oil to give some zip. Straight oil from the jug is flat; not tasty, not exciting. Salt gives it a joie de vivre

The Lord expects me to bring joy to each one I encounter, to each one I offer to him. How can I do this if I am pious – but cheerless, sullen and grumpy? 

I’ll pray today to the widow of Zarephath, as I pick up my daily pile of sticks, and to Elijah, as I sit and pray, for a deeper knowledge of how to live the Beatitudes and where and how to sprinkle salt, to put zip in the lives of those I meet.

  June 12th, 2018