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Michael Maher S.J.Jul 16, 2018 12:00:00 AM1 min read

16 July 2018

Monday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

One of the greatest difficulties we may face in life is division and strife within our families. We have all either experienced alienation of a family member, or, our friends may confide in us concerning the ongoing struggle of the lost sheep. So, when we read in today’s gospel how Jesus comes to set father against son and mother against daughter there is reason why this gospel raises a few eyebrows. Somehow this story doesn’t fit in with the parables of  the lost sheep and the prodigal son. Perhaps to understand better the deeper meaning of this gospel we must recall what tears families apart. The sources of conflict and pain are frequently bad choices which lead to behaviors which set off an avalanche of problems.  Jesus in today’s gospel simply notes the obvious that if one makes bad choices the effects will have a serious effect on family and community life. Addictions of various types have destroyed countless families and anyone knows how painful the choice is to move out of a dysfunctional situation. Today’s gospel is the reminder that our choices have effects and the choice for wholeness, peace, and health may take us away from situations that only lead to spiritual and sometimes physical death.

  July 16th, 2018