Ignatian Reflections

6 August 2018 «

Written by Ulises Covarrubias S.J. | Aug 6, 2018 4:00:00 AM

6 August 2018

Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

The love of God transfigures us. Consider St. Peter, the simple fisherman who follows Jesus and is left in awe, hardly knowing what to say during the transfiguration of our Lord. He’s the same one who after insisting that he would not deny Jesus, opens his lips to do so three times. In today’s second reading, we find a man who has been changed. St. Peter speaks with eloquence and conviction about the love and majesty of God through Jesus Christ.

What’s changed? Peter has experienced the love and mercy of the Risen Christ. It was a love and mercy shown in the Transfiguration, which Peter could not fully grasp at the time. No doubt, after the Resurrection, it all made sense to Peter, and thus he was filled with the Spirit to share the good news. In a world filled with mystery, with suffering, and personal failures, the Lord wants to do the same for us. May we seek to understand the mysteries of God’s love, especially during moments of trial. May we seek his love and mercy in moments of failure. And like St. Peter, may the Lord’s love transfigure us to preach the good news with our lives.

  August 6th, 2018